And construction of the smart card
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Paper card
Paper card 纸卡 Paper card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card VIP卡 VIP Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 积分卡 Scorecard
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 条码卡 Barcode card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 健身卡 Fitness card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 电信卡 Telecom Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 智能卡 Smart Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 金属卡 Metal
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 礼品卡 Gift cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 游戏卡 Game cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 公交卡 Bus Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 工作证 Work permits
Shenzhen construction of the smart card IC卡简介 About IC Card
Http:// 4442IC卡技术资料 4442IC card technology information
Http:// 4428IC卡技术资料 4428IC card technology information
Http:// ME1 S50技术资料 ME1 S50 technical information
Http:// ME1 S70技术资料 ME1 S70 technical information
Http:// IC卡和ID卡的区别 IC cards and ID cards distinction
Http:// 长见卡型技术资料 See long-card information technology
Http:// 智能卡概念定义 Definition of the concept of the smart card 磁条卡技术资料 Information on the magnetic stripe card technology
Http:// 射频卡的印刷方法 RF card printing method
Http:// PVC卡检测标准 PVC card Test Standards
Http:// 常用IC卡一览表 List of common IC card
Http:// 制卡工艺流程图 Figure-card process
Http:// 下单制卡注意事项 Under the single-card system Notes

网站位置 首页 - 技术文章 - 智能卡概念定义  Site location: Home---Technical Articles---definition of the concept of the smart card

关键子: 卡智能卡IC card samart card smart card reader 智慧卡聪明卡触点 Of the key: Card smart card IC card samart card smart card reader smart cards, smart card contact

智能卡概念定义 Definition of the concept of the smart card

卡逐渐进入了我们的生活, 翻一下衣袋, 我们可能随身带有卡片式工作证和身份证, 还可能有一张电话卡, 凭工作证我们可以随意进出办公楼;而没有身份证就不能乘坐飞机、订饭店房间;利用在街头越来越普及的磁卡电话亭, 只要有张电话磁卡, 我们可以迅速接通世界各地…… Card gradually enter our lives, turned to his pocket, we may carry a card for work permits and identity cards, but also may have a calling card, with work permits out of office we can arbitrarily, and without identity cards will not be able to fly, the hotel room; use in the streets becoming increasingly popular cards booth, as long as there are telephone cards, we can quickly connected to the rest of the world……

人们之所以广泛接受并使用各种卡片,说明它的用途十分广泛,并和人们的日常生活息息相关。 The reason why people widely accepted and the use of the card indicates that it uses a very wide range, and are closely related to people's daily lives and. 所有这些存放了一定量信息(数据)的卡片型物件, 我们通称之为数据卡, 对于通过电或磁的方式存储信息、使数据读写自动化的数据卡, 则称之为智能数据卡. All of these had deposited a certain amount of information (data) card type thing, we call it-data card, by the way, or magnetic information storage, automated data read and write data card, called the Intelligent Data Card.

1970年,法国人罗兰德·莫瑞诺(Roland Moreno)第一次将可进行编程设置的IC( Integrated Circuit)芯片放于卡片中,使卡片具有更多的功能。 1970, the French Luolandemo believed to (Roland Moreno) will be the first program set up IC (Integrated Circuit) chip put in the card, the card with more features. 当时他在专利申请书中,对这项发明作了如下阐述:卡片上具有可进行自我保护的存储器。 He was in the patent application, the invention described as follows: a card can be self-protection memory. 这样就诞生了世界上第一张IC卡 This birth of the world's first one IC card.

在此后的时间里,随着超大规模集成电路技术、计算机技术以及信息安全技术等的发展, IC卡技术也更趋成熟,目前在国外得到了较为广泛的应用。 In the subsequent period, as the ultra-large-scale integrated circuit technology, computer technology and information security technology, such as the development of IC card technology has become more mature, more abroad have been widely used. 1993年,各种存储器IC卡销量为2.6亿张,带有微处理器的智能IC卡销量为3500万张,预计96年将分别达到8亿张和1.5亿张,年增长率达40%。 1993, various memory IC card sales of 260 million, with a microprocessor smart card IC sales of 35 million, is expected to reach 96 to 800 million and 150 million, an annual growth rate of 40 %.

IC卡出现以后,国际上对它有多种叫法。 Since IC cards in the future, a number of its international name. 英文名称有“Smart Card”、“IC Card”等;在亚洲特别是港、台地区,则多称为“聪明卡”、“智慧卡”及“智能卡”等;而在我国,人们一般称之为“ IC卡 ”或“智能卡”,本文统称为智能卡。 The English name "Smart Card", "IC Card" in Asia, especially Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, more known as the "smart card", "smart cards" and the "smart card", and in our country, it is generally known "IC card" or "smart card", the paper collectively referred to as smart cards.

智能卡将具有存储、加密及数据处理能力的集成电路芯片镶嵌于塑料基片中,涉及到微电子技术、计算机技术和信息安全技术等,作为一种成熟的高技术产品,智能卡提高了人们生活和工作的现代化程度,已成为一个国家科技发展水平的标志之一。 Smart Card will have a storage capacity of encryption and data processing integrated circuit chips embedded in the plastic-based film, involving microelectronics technology, computer technology and information security technology, as a mature high-tech products, smart cards and improve the people's lives the work of the modernization of the national science and technology has become a symbol of the level of development.

什么是智能卡? What is a smart card? 目前业界人士尚无统一、全面的定义,以下内容综述了常见于各种资料上的智能卡定义。 At present there is no uniform industry, a comprehensive definition of the following elements common to all of the information on the definition of smart cards.

1)外形和信用卡一样,但卡上含有一个符合国际标准化组织(ISO)有关标准的集成电路芯片(IC)。 1) Exterior and credit card, but a card containing the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard integrated circuit chip (IC).

2)由一个或多个集成电路芯片组成,并封装成便于人们携带的卡片;具有暂时或永久性的数据存储能力,其内容可供外部读取或供内部处理、判断;具有逻辑和数学运算处理能力,用于识别和响应外部提供的信息和芯片本身的处理需求。 2) from one or more integrated circuit chips, and packaged as easy people to carry cards, which are equipped with temporary or permanent data storage capacity, and its content available for internal or external reader with judgement and logic arithmetic processing capability for identifying and responding to external information and provide their own chip processing needs.

3) IC卡就是集成电路卡。 3) IC card is integrated circuit cards. 它是一种随着半导体技术的发展和社会对信息安全性等要求的日益提高而应运而生的,具有微处理器及大容量存储器等的集成电路芯片且嵌装于塑料等基片上制成的卡片。 It is a semiconductor technology with the development of the information society and the security of the increasing demands and the right moment, a large capacity memory and microprocessors such as integrated circuit chips and embedded installed in plastics, and other substrate made of cards. 它的外形与普通磁卡做成的信用卡十分相似,只是略厚一些。 Its general shape and magnetic card made very similar, but slightly thicker.

IC卡 ”和“磁卡”一样,都是从技术角度起的名字,不能将其和“信用卡”、“电话卡”等从应用角度命名的卡相混淆。 "IC card" and "magnetic", were from the technical perspective from the name, and can not be "credit card" and "calling card" from the application point of confusion with the name of cards. 例如,信用卡是银行等金融部门发行的一种金融卡,它可以用IC卡制成,也可以由磁卡制成,一般用户没必要了解信用卡是用IC卡技术还是磁卡技术制成的。 For example, the credit card issuing banks and other financial departments of a financial card, which can be used to IC cards made from cards can be made generally not necessary to understand the credit card user is using IC card technology is made of magnetic technology. IC卡上可以印有彩色相片、图案及说明性文字等信息。 IC cards can be printed with color photos, graphics and text, and other descriptive information. 有的对安全性要求较高的IC卡 ,在其表面上印有个人签名、全息图像及类似纸币上的回纹等安全标识信息。 Some of the higher security requirements of IC cards, in the printed on the surface of individual signatures, holographic images and notes on the back of similar profile identification information, such as security.

按照国际标准ISO7816对接触式IC卡的规定,在IC卡的左上角封装有IC芯片,其上覆盖有6或8个触点和外部设备进行通讯,如下图所示。 In accordance with international standards ISO7816 on the contactless IC card provisions in the IC card available in the upper left corner of the IC chip, which is covered with 6 or 8 contacts and external communications equipment, as shown below.

IC card chip Sketch

IC卡示意图 Sketch of IC card

按ISO标准,部分触点及其定义为: According to the ISO standard, and some contacts and defined as:

  • Vcc:IC卡工作电源; Vcc: IC card of power;

  • GND:地; GND:;

  • Vpp:存储器编程电源(可选); Vpp: memory programming power supply (optional);

  • CLK:有关信号的定时与同步; CLK: the signal timing and synchronization;

  • I/O: IC卡中串行数据的输入/输出; I / O: IC card in the serial data input / output;

  • RST:复位信号(可选); RST: reset signal (optional);

剩余的两个触点视不同情况则可在有关应用标准中予以定义。 The remaining two contacts depending on the circumstances in the application of standards can be defined.

智能卡图片欣赏 PVC卡检测标准 下单制卡注意事项Smart Card Pictures PVC card Test Standards  Under the single-card system Notes

作者:     来源:引用 Author:     Source: quote
关键字:智能卡概念定义---制卡相关技术文章---深圳市和信达智能卡技术有限公司  Keyword: - The definition of the concept of smart card technology articles card system - the smart card and construction of the Shenzhen City
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