And construction of the smart card
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Paper card
Paper card 纸卡 Paper card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card VIP卡 VIP Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 积分卡 Scorecard
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 条码卡 Barcode card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 健身卡 Fitness card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 电信卡 Telecom Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 智能卡 Smart Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 金属卡 Metal
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 礼品卡 Gift cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 游戏卡 Game cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 公交卡 Bus Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 工作证 Work permits
Shenzhen construction of the smart card IC卡简介 About IC Card
Http:// 4442IC卡技术资料 4442IC card technology information
Http:// 4428IC卡技术资料 4428IC card technology information
Http:// ME1 S50技术资料 ME1 S50 technical information
Http:// ME1 S70技术资料 ME1 S70 technical information
Http:// IC卡和ID卡的区别 IC cards and ID cards distinction
Http:// 长见卡型技术资料 See long-card information technology
Http:// 智能卡概念定义 Definition of the concept of the smart card 磁条卡技术资料 Information on the magnetic stripe card technology
Http:// 射频卡的印刷方法 RF card printing method
Http:// PVC卡检测标准 PVC card Test Standards
Http:// 常用IC卡一览表 List of common IC card
Http:// 制卡工艺流程图 Figure-card process
Http:// 下单制卡注意事项 Under the single-card system Notes

网站位置 首页 - 技术文章 - 现代证件制作技术  Site location: Home---Technical Articles---Modern document production technology

现代证件制作技术 Modern document production technology

关键字:人像卡证件卡医疗卡个人信息卡工作证借书证出入证服务证胸卡 Keyword: Portrait documents card card card personal medical information card work permit passes library card services card badges

证件制作技术应包含媒体材料,制证工艺与设备,个人信息的录入与识别,以及防伪措施和发放信息管理等。 Technical documents should include media production materials, technology and equipment permit system, and input personal identification information, as well as security measures and the dissemination of information management. 传统的证件多为单页式或本式纸张文件,用塑封膜热合制作而成,易伪造、易脏、易损、使用时间短且质地粗糙,不适应现代社会对证件安全及信息管理的要求。 For the more traditional single-page documents or the type of paper used Plastic film produced by a hot, easily forged, easy dirty, vulnerable, and the use of short rough texture and does not meet modern society on document security and information management requirements. 卡式证件始于1958年,首先是美国人应用于驾驶执照,随后身份卡,医疗卡,信用卡的出现,使卡片技术迅速发展,应用范围大大扩展,其特征是微电子技术发展带来的卡式电子证件与计算机制证及识别技术的巧妙结合。 Cassette documents began in 1958, the first American driver's license application, and then identification cards, medical cards, credit cards have enabled card technology developed rapidly, and greatly expand the scope of application, which is characterized by the development of microelectronic technology cards Electronic documents and computer system identification card and the ingenious combination. 因此现代证件制作技术就是证卡制作技术。 So modern technology is produced documents card production technology.

证卡材料以塑胶为主,包括聚氯乙烯,聚酯,ABS塑料等,它们的性能有别于常规同类材料,比如,为了热压后不可非破坏性剥离,要求证件基材耐皱折性,抗撕裂性,而常规聚氯乙烯多数都透光,用于制证则要有很高的阻光性能等。 Card-based materials in plastic, including polyvinyl chloride, polyester, and ABS plastic, and so on, their performance is different from conventional materials similar, for example, to be non-destructive pressing after stripping, wrinkle-resistant substrate requirements documents Pack, slitting-resistant, and most of all conventional PVC transmittance for the certification system is a high-resistance properties.

证卡制作的工艺则包括,版面的编排,印刷,个人信息的录入及输出等环节。 Card production process include, layout of the layout and printing, personal information such as input and output links. 早期的证卡制作需要专业卡厂制作,设备投资昂贵,且只适合批量作业,对新来员工制证及丢失补证,无法满足。 Early card production needs professional card factory production, investment in expensive equipment, and the only suitable for batch operations, the new staff to fill the loss of cards and permits, unable to meet. 现今由于计算机排版,数据库管理,网络,图像处理技术及尤其是新型打印技术的诞生与发展,给证卡制作带来了极大的方便,同时设备价格的降低给各单位自制证卡提供了可能。 The current computer publishing, database management, networking, image processing technologies and, especially, the birth of a new printing technology and development, to the card production has brought great convenience and lower prices of equipment to the unit may provide a homemade card . 而无需求助专业卡厂 ,费时费力,又不便于管理。 Without professional assistance card factory, wasting time and effort, not manageable.

证件的防伪是证件制作的极重要的课题,证件的防伪技术要解决证件的真假辨认,持证人与证件同一性确认的两个问题,通常靠肉眼观察证件外观,标志和照片等,随着伪造、变造证件犯罪活动日益猖獗,犯罪手段日趋高明,人们不得不投入更大精力与资金,研究采用高新科技成果以提高证件抗伪造能力,不断推出花样翻新的证件防伪技术产品。 Documents produced documents of the security is a very important issue, document security technology to solve the false identification documents, identity documents and the holder identified two problems, usually observed by the naked eye appearance of documents, signs and photos, as forged or altered documents criminal activities have been rampant criminal means becoming increasingly sophisticated and people have to put more energy and funding for research on a high-tech research results to enhance the ability to document anti-counterfeiting, has introduced a new guise of document security technology products.

证件的防伪,主要是对所用的各种材料,图像设计,生产工艺等进行技术加密。 Document security, the main thing is to use a variety of materials, graphic design, production process, such as encryption technology.

采用特殊的,不易被察觉或相对复杂的方式与手段,使证件难以仿制或篡改。 A special and difficult to be detected or relative in complex ways and means so that the documents difficult to imitate or tamper with. 比如抄制水印,加安全线,参杂特种成分,微印刷,断线接线,隐形图案,设置暗记,磁性与变色油墨,非常规标志(诸如全息,光标图像),IC芯片等,本身就具备安全功能,加到证件上去,增强证件的防伪性能。 For example, copy-watermark, Jiaan all, the Senate Special miscellaneous components, micro-printing, break connection, stealth design, set up Anji, magnetic and Color-shifting ink and unconventional signs (such as holography, the cursor images), IC chips, etc., on its own, possess security features added to documents, enhance the security of travel documents.

为了确保证件与持证人的同一性,也可将持证人生物特征,诸如指纹,掌纹,视网膜,声波等信息,记录到证件上或存放数据库,以利于特别安全场所的身份查验。 In order to ensure that documents and the identity of the holder, the holder may also be biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, palm prints, retina, acoustic, and other information, records or documents stored to the database, particularly safe place to facilitate the identification. 证件的最终目的是为了使用和查验。 The final document is designed to use and identification. 所以任何防伪设计应根据某种证件的安全等级需要,不能为了防伪而制成不便使用、查验的证件。 Therefore, any security design should be based on a certain level of security required documents can not be made to security and inconvenience to use, identification documents.

证卡种类 Card types

条码卡--条码卡包括可见与不可见条码,最早使用于包装标识、书刊、邮件等方面,能够快速,近距离读出,新近出现了二维条码,可储存持卡人照片,信息内容大幅度提高,便于加密防伪。 Barcode cards - cards, including barcode visible and invisible bar code, the first to use the logo on the packaging, and publications, such as e-mail, fast, close read out, the emerging two-dimensional bar code, cardholders can store photos , message content has been substantially increased ease of encryption security. 但不可改写,单一性等更适合批量产品,用于个人证卡系列会受到一定限制。 But not rewritten, single-volume products, such as more suitable for personal card series will be subject to certain restrictions.

磁(条)卡--磁(条)卡是在卡式证件的一面特定位置上贴覆或涂布一条磁性介质,用磁头可写入,读出信息,最早使用于金融、通迅控制等领域。 Magnetic (2) Card - Magnetic (2) card in the card location-specific documents posted a review or a coating magnetic media, with the heads can write, read out the information, first used in finance, communications control field. 水印磁和全息磁技术出现,提高了磁卡的防伪性能,增加了在性能价格比方面竞争力。 Watermark holographic magnetic and magnetic technologies arise and improve the security features of the cards, an increase of the cost-competitiveness of the area. 目前的市场占有身居第一位,但日益受到智能卡的冲击。 The current market share reside in the first, but increasingly the impact of the smart card.

OCR卡--即打印有供阅读器读出的可读光学字符卡。 OCR card - that is, print is for the reader to read out-readable optical character cards. 能够快速准确地查验,广泛用于公民护照,供各国移民局出入境管理用。 Can quickly and accurately check, widely used in passports for countries with the immigration management.

激光卡--此种卡为超大容量,高强度激光卡,是信息技术领域的又一重大贡献,目前大多用于医疗卡。 Laser cards - cards such as super-capacity, high-intensity laser card, the information technology field is another major contribution, mostly for medical card. 由于读写机具较昂贵,限制了普及。 Because reading and writing machines more expensive, limiting universal.

接触式IC卡--接触式IC卡简称IC卡, 证卡载体上镶嵌(或注塑)有IC芯片,具有存储或微处理器的功能。 Contactless IC card - contactless IC card as IC cards, card embedded vector (or injection) IC chip, or microprocessor with memory function. 信息容量大,可存储照片,指纹等人体生理资料,保密性能好,可以不依靠数据库独立运行,存储器可分成多个应用区,实现一卡多用。 Large amounts of information, can store photographs, fingerprints and other physiological information, confidentiality good performance, they do not rely on the independent operation of the database, the memory can be divided into multiple applications area, a multi-application card. 由于以上诸多优点,因此接触式IC卡得到普遍使用,但最近也受到非接触IC卡的强力冲击。 Because these advantages, contactless IC card commonly used, but has been non-contact IC card powerful impact.

非接触IC卡--非接触IC卡简称感应卡,继承了接触式IC 卡的强项,同时在卡片的读写方式上作了改进,由电信号接触式读写,调整为无线感应式读写,这样对于需经常使用的证件或者需在户外工作时,非接触IC卡表现了极大优势,当然,由于非接触IC卡制造工艺相对复杂,同时读写机具需专用安全读写模块,造成价格要高于接触式IC卡。 Non-contact IC card - non-contact IC card as proximity cards, inherited the contactless IC card strengths, and the card reader in the way improvements made by the signal contact literacy, adjusting for the wireless sensor-literacy This need for frequently used documents or be outdoors, non-contact IC card showed great advantage, of course, because of non-contact IC card manufacturing process is relatively complex, the need for safety equipment literacy reading and writing module, causing the price is higher than that of contactless IC card.

ID卡打印机种类--传统的证卡制作是依靠菲林,晒版,冲印,剪贴,过胶等手段,给人们带来极大的不便。 ID card printer types - the traditional card production is on the film, copy, print, paste, the plastic, and other means to bring people to great inconvenience. ID卡打印机的出现,给人们带来了方便。 The emergence of ID card printer, has brought convenience to the people. 它可将文字,图像,个人照片,一次直接印在塑料证卡上,发卡过程全自动化。 It can be text, graphics, personal photos, one printed directly in the plastic card, the card-issuing process fully automated. 目前世界上有很多公司提供ID卡打印机,供大家选择。 Currently the world, and many companies provide ID card printer for your choice.

彩色证卡制作系统 Color card production system

系统功能--彩色图像识别卡制作系统采用当代新技术及新设备,能将彩色照片、文字、条码等信息一次直接印在PVC、ABS基材卡片上,不需要相片,无需裁剪,粘贴,压制等复杂工序,即可制出多用途的彩色照片ID(Identification Card),也可通过激光防伪膜加贴,提高安全性,从而使一张空白的基材卡很快变成了一张生动耐用,高度防伪的ID。 System features - color image identification card production system using new technology and modern new equipment, can color photos, text, bar codes and other information in a printed directly PVC, ABS substrate on the card, do not need photos, without cutting, pasting, suppression of the complex processes can be produced multi-color photo ID (Identification Card), or laser film notified security, increase security, so that a blank substrate cards soon become a lively durable, a high degree of security ID. 对于机关事业单位的持卡人,可提高证件权威性,方便执行公务,对实业可扩大知名度,提高身份,吸引客户的作用。 For cardholders organs and institutions can improve authoritative documents to facilitate the execution of public functions, enterprises can expand visibility, increase capacity, attract customers role. 其基材卡可用PVC、ABS空白卡,磁条卡,IC卡或感应卡。 Its substrate cards can be PVC, ABS blank cards, magnetic stripe cards, IC cards or proximity cards.

制卡工艺--该彩色图像识别证卡系统,应用数字成像原理及热转印技术进行制卡,即由计算机进行图文排版,通过带有固体油墨的四色专用色带,转印到PVC卡片上。 Card Technology - the color image identification card systems, applications and digital imaging principle of heat transfer technology system card, that is, from typesetting by computer through with the four-color solid ink dedicated ribbons, transfer to PVC on the card. 该系统应用中文Windows环境下的窗口软件,可直接在显示屏上编排各式图案及中英文字体。 Application of the system under the Chinese Windows environment windows software, which directly in the screen layout and all kinds of patterns in English and Chinese characters. 其个人肖像或徽标等可通过摄像机、数码相机或扫描仪录入,鼠标操作方便灵活,视窗(照片图像)大小,位置可任意设置,图形文字所需的背景色、边框立体、旋转,可随心所意。 His personal image or logo, such as through the camera, a digital camera or scanner input, mouse operation convenient and flexible, Windows (photo images) size, location can be arbitrarily set, graphics and text for background color, frame three-dimensional, rotating, Italy can be the heart.

该系统所配的专用高精度图像卡,除图像的输入/输出功能外,带有压缩与解压缩和图像加速功能,其压缩与解压缩功能可对图像进行高倍压缩,从而有效地节省磁盘空间,并能高保真还原,其图像加速功能可改善图形处理的快速性,提高系统的制卡速度。 The system, with a dedicated high-precision graphics card, in addition to the image input / output functions, with compression and decompression and image acceleration, compression and decompression capabilities of the high-power image compression, thereby effectively to save disk space , and high-fidelity can restore its image acceleration can improve the speed of graphics processing and improve the speed of the system card. 彩色图像证卡系统的隆重推出,将会使客户在诸如照片、条码处理、数据库管理、磁卡及IC卡住处写入等方面操作更加具有实效,并增加多窗口操作,批量数据录入,局部覆膜等方面的功能,从而满足某些特殊使用的场合。 Color Image card system was solemnly launched, will enable customers such as photo, barcode processing, database management, magnetic and IC card into the residence area, such as more effective operation, and increased multi-window operation, batch data entry, local review film the function, thereby satisfying the use of certain special occasions.

应用领域--图像识别证卡带有个人肖像、文字、条码、磁条、IC等电子信息,符合国家“三金工程”的推广要求,其印制精美,色彩艳丽,图文并茂,具有美观,耐用,防伪,一卡多用等特点,可广泛应用于有效证件(工作证、身份证、借书证、出入证、服务证、胸卡),信用卡、旅游纪念卡等,配上磁卡、条码、IC卡、感应卡阅读器可用于储值卡、区域消费卡、保险卡、驾驶员违章卡、股票交易卡、税务卡、考勤卡、就餐卡、门禁卡、公园、俱乐部、医院的会员证及各种电子收费等。 Applications - Image Recognition card with a personal portrait, text, bar codes, magnetic stripe, IC, such as electronic information, in line with the state "three of the project," the promotion requirements, printed and attractively presented, colourful, illustrated with beautiful, durability, security, a multi-application card, and other features that can be extensively used valid documents (work permits, identity cards, library cards, badges, service cards, badges), credit cards, travel commemorative cards, and so on, accompanied by magnetic cards, bar-coding, IC card The sensor card reader can be used for stored-value cards, regional consumption card, insurance card, driver violation cards, card stock, the tax card, attendance cards, dining cards, access control card, parks, clubs, hospitals and various membership cards Electronic charges.

工作证图片欣赏 PVC卡检测标准 下单制卡注意事项Work permits Pictures PVC card Test Standards  Under the single-card system Notes

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关键字:现代证件制作技术---制卡相关技术文章---深圳市和信达智能卡技术有限公司  Keyword: modern production technology - documents related technical articles card system - the smart card and construction of the Shenzhen City
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